Kirkland Signature Allergy Control

Kirkland Signature Extra Strength Allergy Relief is indicated for the fast relief of nasal and non-nasal seasonal (e.g., trees, grass, pollen, ragweed/hay fever) and year-round (e.g., dust, animal dander, mold) allergy symptoms and allergic skin reactions.

Relieves the following symptoms:
Runny nose
Itchy, watery eyes
Itchy nose and throat
Post-nasal discharge
Nasal congestion
Allergic skin itch
Includes: 200 Tablets

Medicinal ingredients (each tablet):
Cetirizine Hydrochloride 10 mg (same as Reactine)


Additional Information

Weight 11 kg

200 tabs

Sold by

200 tabs

Please Note: The cutoff times for ordering are as follows
For Tuesday Pickup or Delivery to Gibsons or Redrooffs to Garden Bay -  order must be placed by Sunday Night. For Friday Pickup or Delivery  for Gibsons to Sechelt, your order must be placed by Wednesday Night.
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